Helloooo! Happy Monday after the changing of the time! It feels like it’s about midnight and it’s just after eight—it’s going to be a looooong winter! In anticipation of that, and my mom’s birthday this week–she picked the Flower Fairies Card of the Week–Spirituality, which is the lilacs! Yeah! I am whole hog into my fall cleaning, and a side note, am I the only one who does a deep clean of a room and then all the other rooms of the house manage to look like a disaster zone because they catch all the crap you don’t know what to do with?!? I realized with the totally awesome iTunes, that it’s probably time to toss all the cassette tapes–sigh! I had an interesting experience as I was cleaning, deciding that it was time to get rid of Snickers (my precious puppy, not the delightful candy bar) toys, who went over the Rainbow Bridge in January. Just so you get an idea of my little tater bug, here she is…

Snickers showed up on my mom’s porch (actually, she was too little to get up on the step) one June morning, full of ticks and fleas. No idea where she came from, and she was too little to be away from her mom yet. I was determined to keep her, as I was getting ready to buy my house. When people mention soul mates, it’s not often that you think of the four legged kind, however, Snicks was something special. That little dog knew how to wrap people around her little paw, and she oozed with love. Not only was she a love bug, but she was also spiritual–she loved to meditate with me…. Smart as a whip too—when I would sit on the couch drinking my tea or eating ice cream, the little turd would go in the hallway and drop a few turdlings. Why? Because I would sit my cup on the stand and go clean it up, allowing her ample opportunity to enjoy whatever I was eating. Don’t ask how long it took me to catch on to her little game–shaking my head. Ahhh, Snicker-wickers! She also enjoyed eating healthy with her mom, with her particularly enjoying watermelon, apples, and corn on the cob–eating the latter two just like her two legged counterparts. She loved to play dress up! She loved to hang in my art room, take rides to Dairy Queen for a cup of vanilla ice cream, and listen to her pet therapy music when it stormed. And she got in the habit at an early age of wearing a sweater outside when it was cold, and also forcing her mom to sit and snuggle when she got home before it was time for her walk of the neighborhood.

The last two weeks of Snickers life, I was very blessed because I was off work for the holidays. Since Snickers was unable to get up on the bed anymore, we made a nest in front of the Christmas tree, and slept with the twinkling lights on, cuddling together. Her last morning, I knew, because there was a piece of sweet potato on the floor in the shape of a heart–a sign from spirit again. Saying goodbye to unconditional love is agonizing. I left the vet and headed to New York that weekend, a blessing in disguise because it was a distraction from my misery. On the way home, I was flipping through the radio, and the song “Praise You In This Storm” caught my attention…and soon had me sobbing. It was like a blessing from above that she will always be near me…thank you Casting Crows for the awesome song. It’s now on my iTunes account. And now back to my interesting experience cleaning…when I decided it’s time to say goodbye to Snickers toys, I said aloud “Snickers, I love you, miss you, and think about you everyday, however, it’s time for mommy to say goodbye to these toys.” And out of the 100 plus songs on my iTunes, which song suddenly decides to play right then? Yup, ya got it—“Praise You In This Storm”. Gave me chills…and made me cry. Our loved ones are always close, even in spirit. Now Snickies, it’s time for you to go find my two legged soul mate and then bring him to me!